State Making Strides in Hiring Disabled Workers

On September 1st, 2015 the Rapid City Journal reported a story about how South Dakota is making advances in workplace diversity. Sarah B. Haider reported how one Rapid City business is helping to change the mind set of South Dakota businesses.

Haider reported that Rick's Auto Body hired Aaron Ready, a highly skilled autobody worker who does not let his disabilities hinder his work performance.

Butch Murner, co-owner of Rick's Auto Body, discussed ready's performance and how happy they were to hire Ready based on his past performance with the company. Murner indicated that Ready has performed difficult auto body repair work with relative ease and efficency.

The article goes on to explain how Gov. Dennis Daugaard has made a significant impact in teh state of South Dakota regarding the hiring of people with disabilities. And the article goes on to state that in 2013 South Dakota had the fourth highest diabled hring rate in the United States, according to ststistics provided by Cornell University.

Read the entire article here. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of hring workers with diabilities please contact us.


Ready, Willing, and Disabled - HR Magazine - by Mike Ramsey